Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Yesterday was very busy but a great day!
Class and work were boring, as usual. Decided I've got to get a new job. They gave me a $3 pay cut! Youch!
Not worth it, when I'm making less money now than when I got hired 4 years ago. Not cool.
So I'm looking into small businesses downtown, that maybe I can get into. I love this neat store, called the Tipsy Teapot. Super cute; it's got used books, a ton of teas and desserts and coffee and sandwiches and things. They bought out what was a club and turned it into a performance area for poetry readings, speakers, and live music performances (there's Jazz on thursdays!)
Hopefully I'll be able to stop in today to see if they're hiring.. I just think it'd be perfect. Sounds so magical!

I stopped in Ripple City to see about consigning there, and it looks and sounds great. I get 70% of the sale price, and payday is every other Friday. The woman working there was super nice and said she thought they'd go over pretty well! So I've got to get my booty in gear and seal up the bowls that I made the other night.

I'm also making some new business cards.. mine are so blah and boring.. black and white standard from staples! yuck!
I think I'll get some MOO cards!
Fun stuff!

Well I've got to run to class, but I'll be back tonight - maybe with the success of card-making or being more excited about consigning. Yay!


Anonymous said...

Yea for a {hopefully} new job!!! =] Good luck on that!!!! =]

Oh, I forgot to let you know, I am having a giveaway on my blog for a grungy pumpkin... if you are interested, stop on by and leave a comment in that post!!!! =]

Have a great day!!! =]