I should be receiving photo prints in the mail today! Hooray! And my new business cards should be arriving any time now. :O)
I think once the cards come, I'll take my bowls over to the shop downtown to consign. Business cards would definitely help me out in traffic!
Also, the problem from the last post has been resolved. Magda was very professional about it and handled the situation very quickly. I really appreciate her being so understanding and fixing the problem so fast!
I listed a new record bowl, The Sound Of Music! This is something that I'm going to start doing now: something I'm calling "name brand records".. I've acquired quite a collection from the thrift stores I shop at of records that are more popular and well-known. A lot of sellers sell them this way, individually by specific bowl, and I think a lot of buyers like this option!
So I've got a lot that I've made that will be getting listed soon. I'll post a sneak peek photo later today when I'm not on campus any longer. But to give you a little lead, I've got records like men at work, neil diamond, rolling stones, pink floyd (!!!), temptations, and a ton of others.
the infinite generosity of Gaia
2 days ago
That stinks that they stole your photo for a how to! I would be furious. Glad it is resolved. Your bowls are really cute!
I think the name brand records is a good idea - and I would think that you could charge a little bit more for them. A fan, or someone buying for a fan, would be willing to pay a little more for a specific artist or record.
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