Realized I hadn't posted in a little while, but life is good!
My boyfriend turned 21 yesterday, so we went out with his friends to celebrate, and we're going out with mine later this week, hopefully.
Might be going for a day trip to the beach this weekend.. I'm so excited! Weather looks like it should be warm again in time for that. :O)
Oh, and I GOT A NEW CAMERA last week!! It's really amazing, I'm in love.
It's a Fuji Finepix S8000fd and I went on an adventure with my suitemate when I got it on thursday, so give a gander to these pictures and tell me what you think!
My favorites are the dandelion and my suitemate, Hayley. (She's the hot blonde!) Hahaha :O)
I had a thing for catching squirrels that day, so I have atleast 5 pictures of different squirrels.. it's fun trying to get their pictures - plus, they stay still for a while if you're not moving!
And everyone who saw that picture Hayley got of me dancing said that is EXACTLY me.. I'm a goofball, I guess. :) Thought it was cute and funny.. hehe
I have a full album of the pictures I took on myspace and facebook.. if you want to see them, just let me know and I'll give you a link! ;D I'm so excited about this camera!
Hope you have a super duper day! ♥
Putting Off Today
5 months ago
The one dancing is SUPER cute! I love it!!!
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